2024 Call for Professional Development Session

The ASNR Education & Program Committee have been teaming up the last few years to find great topics and speakers for professional development sessions at the annual meeting. The interest of these sessions has surpassed both committees expectations and are now at the point where they are providing ASNR members the opportunity to present a professional development session at the 2024 ASNR Annual Meeting! Applications to submit a professional development proposal for the 2024 Annual meeting in San Antonio, TX.

Submission deadline: Thursday, November 30, 2023

A professional development session fills a 45-90 minute slot of time, typically consisting of 3 speakers/facilitators that explore different aspects of professional development in neurorehabilitation.

The Education & Program Committees are open to all topics across professional development and are especially excited about sessions that:

  1. are interactive in nature
  2. specifically support application to neurorehabilitation.

Conflicting perspectives on a topic of interest are encouraged!


Submissions should be focused on active, collaborative learning experiences that will help build the skill set of professionals in the field of neurorehabilitation. Evidence of active learning approaches and applicability to neurorehabilitation will be considered by the Education Committee when selecting proposals. Submissions should highlight how this professional development proposal specifically supports application to neurorehabilitation (i.e., how is this relevant to the field of neurorehabiliation) and how is it novel and different from other previous and publicly available professional development resources. 

Examples of active learning approaches for this session include but are not limited to:

  • Break-out group discussions
  • Interactive panel discussion with audience Q&A
  • Problem-solving/inquiry-based learning
  • Audience polling (e.g., involving conflicting perspectives)

Any ideas are welcome, but submissions involving the following topics are of particular interest to the Education Committee this year:

  • Software applications (e.g., data analytics, big data, machine learning for clinical decision making in neurorehabilitation) 
  • Large language models (e.g., ChatGPT) and early application/implication for neurorehabilitation
  • Research methodology (e.g., qualitative research, mixed methods, virtual data acquisition/survey/interventions)
  • Leveraging social media (e.g., to promote your research, recruit candidates, recruit study participants) 


Click the boxes below to see what last years professional development sessions were at the ASNR Annual Meeting. Catherine Lang & Kate Hayward lead a hands-on workshop where attendees were introduced to a new tool to guide optimal control design. Sangeetha Madhavan & Bernadette Gillick lead an interactive discussion on the different perspectives from of research study from a diverse  panel.

If you have any questions contact the Executive Office at info@asnr.com

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