UPDATED SYMPOSIUM PROPOSAL APPLICATION | American Society of Neurorehabilitation

Thank you for your interest in submitting a symposia proposal to be considered for inclusion in the 2024 ASNR Annual Meeting Program in San Antonio, TX.

All Symposium Organizers must submit a financial disclosure form prior to submitting their proposal. CLICK HERE to complete your disclosure.

Title of symposium: *

Here is a listing of topics: Choose 1 from each CATEGORY

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Type of Symposium:

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What new information will you be presenting and how does it impact the overall field of neurorehabilitation?
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Educational Objective 1 *
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Educational Objective 3 *
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Synopsis - Symposium summary of no more than 250 words *
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Name of organizer: *
Organizer degree(s) *
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Currently a member of the ASNR (Symposium organizer must be ASNR member) *

Clear Selection

Please list up to two additional presenters below.  Please note: All presenters will need to complete a financial disclosure form.

Presenters: Names, titles, institutions, and email addresses. Please note: Any non-member speakers must receive prior approval from the Program Chair.
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Please describe in detail how proposed presenters will add to the diversity of the ASNR Annual Meeting (age, race, gender, area of research, etc.)
Funding source(s): List applicable funding sources for all presenters
All symposia must include a draft agenda with times. Please provide schedule:

Title: Innovations in Measuring Spinal Cord Injury
Type of Symposium: Instructional Symposium       
Educational Objectives: On completion of this symposium participants will be able to
- Discuss pros and cons of the Spinal Cord Injury Functional Index (SCI-FI)and the Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHC) Pediatric Measure (SHC-Pediatric Measure)
- Appreciate the advantages of having the capability to measure function in a continuous way across the lifespan and describe how adult and pediatric measures can be linked
- Discuss considerations in selecting short form vs. computer adaptive (CAT) functional measures for SCI clinical practice and research
- Explain how innovative adult and pediatric SCI functional assessments can be incorporated to advance SCI research and clinical practice

This course will focus on advancing measurement skills among SCI researchers and care providers by reviewing the Spinal Cord Injury Functional Index (SCI-FI) and the SHC-Pediatric Measure, two functional measures developed for the adult and pediatric spinal cord injured populations, respectively. Course content will include results of a longitudinal study using the SCI-FI.  Work to link the SCI-FI and SHC-Pediatric Measure measures to enable the assessment of functional abilities across the lifespan will be presented and factors in determining method of administration (e.g., short forms or computer adaptive tests) will be discussed. The course will conclude with a discussion of how these innovative SCI functional measures can be used to advance spinal cord injury research and clinical practice.

Symposium Organizer:
John Doe, PhD

Susan Doe, PT
University Public Health

Tom Doe, MA
Institute for Rehabilitation

Funding Sources:
Hospitals for Children #123456

Draft Schedule:
0:00 – 0:20      SCI-FI: Results (John Doe)
0:20 – 0:40      Linking Functional Measures (Susan Doe)
0:40 – 0:60      Considerations for Using Measures (Laura Doe)
0:60 – 0:90      Discussion

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