Virtual Mentorship Program Application for Mentors | American Society of Neurorehabilitation

Virtual Mentorship Program Application for Mentors

Thank you for your interest in being a mentor for the ASNR Virtual Mentor Program!

Briefly, the commitment would be for 1 year starting in February 2025. You would meet 4 times with your mentee and 2 times with a larger group of mentors and mentees. Meetings would be approximately 1 hour.

If interested in this opportunity, please fill out some additional information below. If there is a suitable mentee for you, we would circle back to you and provide additional mentoring details for your consideration.

First Name: *
Last Name *
Email: *
Academic Level: *
If you chose "other", please specify title of your Academic Level
Area of Research: *
Type of Research: *
If you chose "other", please specify type of research you do

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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