Jack Burks,

Getting to know Dr. Burks...

Dr. Burks is a Chief Medical Consultant with MS Association of America, a Clinical Professor of Neurology at the Florida International University, a Clinical Professor at Nova Southeastern University, and on the Board of Directors at Nevada Center for brain researchers. 

His interests include teaching, consulting, research, access to care issues, quality of care issues, promoting “wellness” concept for patients including exercise, diet, mindfulness, stress management, etc., medication adherence issues, and promoting rehabilitation strategies.

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: My first medical textbook (1970’s) which Introduced Neuro-rehabilitation of MS to Neurologists.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone, living or not, who would that be?
A: My father who was killed in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II when I was age 1.

Q: If they made a movie of your life story what would it be called?

Q: Share a personal fact no one would ever guess about you
A: I was (falsely) sentenced to death in Iran for espionage, while on a worldwide humanitarian effort to increase the recognition ant treatment for MS in over 40 countries.