Krish Sathian,

Getting to know Dr. Sathian...

Dr. Sathian is a neurologist and neuroscientist with clinical and research interests in cognitive neurorehabilitation. His research interests also include multisensory perception, visual rehabilitation and the neural basis of metaphor. He obtained medical training from Christian Medical College, Vellore, India and a PhD in neuroscience from the University of Melbourne, Australia.

After postdoctoral training at Washington University in St. Louis, he completed a residency in neurology at the University of Chicago and joined the faculty at Emory University in 1994, where he is now Professor of Neurology, Rehabilitation Medicine and Psychology and a faculty member of the interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program.

He also directs the Rehabilitation R&D Center of Excellence for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation at the Atlanta VA. His research is funded by the NIH, NSF and VA. Apart from authoring numerous publications and book chapters, he is co-editor of a volume on cognitive plasticity. He received the Albert Levy Award in 2001 for the best scientific publication by a faculty member at Emory. He is a Fellow of the American Neurological Association and serves on a number of editorial boards, including that of the Journal of Neuroscience.