

The ASNR Neurorehabilitation listserv is online.

By becoming a member, you will be able to communicate with clinicians and neuroscientists interested in neurorehabilitation.  You can ask questions of other members with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, give your input on issues of interest to you and learn by monitoring threads of responses generated by others.  The listserv can be used to announce new programs, invite comments regarding new projects, even invite others to join you in collaborative efforts.

It is very easy to become a member and it is free.  All you need to do is click here and complete a short form.

Please join with us to make this effort successful.  Please ask others who are involved in these activities to join.  The greater the participation, the more likely the listserv will be of value to all of the members.

Questions?  Send them to '' and you will receive a prompt reply.

Click here to view instructions for sending messages to the group.