
In 2006 the ASNR Board and membership determined certification would no longer be a focus of the ASNR and it would be transitioned to a certification and program accreditation process under the UCNS. Members already certified by ASNR, who remain current with their dues, will be able to retain this certification credential but the ASNR will no longer offer a certification examination or renewal process. Neurorehabilitation practitioners will take the UCNS examination, when it is available, to achieve certification under UCNS. There will be a defined time period (practice track) those already practicing Neurorehabilitation will be able to take the examination. After that time period has passed, only graduates of accredited programs will be eligible for the examination.

In 2009, the application for Neural Repair and Rehabilitation subspecialty certification by UCNS was submitted to UCNS. The application process was a joint effort of the Section of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation of the AAN and the ASNR.

Certified UCNS Diplomates in Neural Repair and Rehabilitation

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to the certification I received with ASNR?
You will continue to be certified by ASNR.

Since I am certified with ASNR, will this mean my certification will be grandfathered in to UCNS Neural Repair and Rehabilitation Certification?
No. In order to attain UCNS Certification, you will need to take the UCNS exam.

I currently direct a Neurorehabilitation Fellowship Program. How do I receive UCNS certification for my fellowship program?
The accreditation material for the fellowship programs have been deveolped.  Please visit www.ucns.org for information to become accredited.

Further information regarding the UCNS can be found at www.ucns.org.


Click here to learn moreUCNS Offers Second Neural Repair and Rehabilitation Certification Examination 

Click here - for the Frequently Asked Questions


Review materials for the exam:  

tDCS and Robotics in Human Recovery

Spinal Injury and the Potential Use of Exoskeleton Robotics for Recovery

Suggested reading list for the exam:

Continuum, Neurorehabilitation Issue.

     ·Reference: Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):429-713.

     ·Available through the American Academy of Neurology: http://journals.lww.com/continuum/pages/default.aspx

     ·Continuum subscription: $750.00 for a one-year individual subscription to the whole series

     ·For non-subscribers, individual articles may be purchased through pay-per-view. Articles may be accessed and downloaded for 24 hours from the time of purchase.

Neurological Rehabilitation.  Michael Barnes & David Good, editors.  Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, Volume 110. Elsevier, 2013.

     ·Available from all major booksellers.

     ·The price is about $220.00

     ·Available in e-reader format (Kindle).

     ·Also available at many medical and university libraries.

Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation. Michael Selzer, Stephanie Clarke, Leonardo Cohen, Pamela Duncan, Fred Gage (Editors). Cambridge University Press, 2006.

     ·Volume 1: Neural Repair and Plasticity.

     ·Volume 2: Medical Neurorehabilitation.

     ·Volumes 1 and 2 may be purchased individually or as a set from any major bookseller.

     ·The price per volume (new) is around $200.00.

     ·Also available at many medical and university libraries.

The Clinical Science of Neurologic Rehabilitation. Bruce H. Dobkin. Contemporary Neurology Series, Number 67. Second edition.  Oxford University Press, 2003.

     ·New copies are sometimes difficult to find, but are often available from Amazon.com for about $130.00

     ·Available in e-reader format (Kindle)

     ·Also available at many medical and university libraries.

DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice. Two Volume Set. 5th Edition. Walter Frontera (Editor). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.

     ·May be purchased from any major bookseller.

     ·The price for the two-volume set is about $250.00.

     ·Available in e-reader format (Kindle).

     ·Also available at many medical and university libraries.


Please visit UCNS for further information regarding certification.


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