The ASNR Annual Meeting Program Committee and the ASNR would like to invite you to submit a symposium proposal for the meeting. A symposium is a 90 minute slot of time. A symposium might consist of 4 speakers in the 90 minute slot that explore different aspects of a clinical or scientific issue in neurorehabilitation. A symposium might be a debate on two sides of a neurorehabilitation issue. A symposium could be a panel discussion of a Very Important Neurorehabilitation Concept. Any and all ideas are welcome but should be submissions on basic and clinical science of neurorehabilitation, neural repair and recovery in neurological disease.

Proposal requirements:

1. All Symposia organizers must be current ASNR members and any non-member speakers must receive prior approval from the Program Chair, Catherine Lang, PT, PhD. Requests for non-member speakers can be sent to ASNR Executive Director, Leslie Orvedahl. Please note: Member speakers are not eligible for any travel reimbursements.

2. All Symposium Organizers must complete a financial disclosure form.

Course Organizers will be notified of their acceptance status in May 2017.


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